Sunday, March 3, 2019

What's Happening This Week----March 4th Through March 8th


Phonics----The Kindergarten students will continue their study of the sound that the letter "Yy" makes----keyword----yarn.  The students will review that the letter "Yy" is a consonant letter.  Then, the students will learn the sound that the letter "Dd" makes----keyword----dog.  The students will learn that the letter "Dd" is a consonant letter.

Reading----The Kindergarten students will read their Dr. Seuss book----"Hop on Pop"----to me.. Every time I send a reading assignment home to be read, I listen to each student re-read that assignment.  This procedure helps me to reinforce the idea that  a student should try to sound out a word that the student forgot.  The students will also read phonics word lists and the booklet----"Ben is Ten".  Phonics word flash cards will be made and read.  The flash card words will be:  four, one, ten, into, you, has.  Phonics word phrases and sentences will be read.

Handwriting----The Kindergarten students will print the letters "Yy" and "Dd".  Phonics word sentences will also be printed.

Math----The Kindergarten students will continue to learn "Number Bonds" { Number Families } for a certain number.  For example----the number "6"----the Number Bonds or Number Families are:  0,  6, 6; 1,5,6; 2,4,6 and 3,3,6.  Then, the students will realize that addition problems can be made from these number bonds/number families.  The students will also learn about-----"Pictographs", "Bar Graphs", "Equal Parts" and "Equal Symmetry".

Religion----The Kindergarten students will learn about "Lent".  Then, in the "Growing in Love" Religion Book, the students will learn about "Good and Bad Choices".

First Grade

Phonics----The First Grade students will learn about the "Combination er", "Trigraph  igh", "Compound Words", "Diagraph ai" and ""Diagraph ay".

Reading----The First Grade students will read the booklet----"One More Time".  Vocabulary flash cards will be made before the students read their booklet----"One More Time"----as a way to review the vocabulary words.  Then, the story----"My Robot"----will be read.  Vocabulary flash cards will be made for the words that will be in the next booklet to be read----"How to Make a Face".

English----The First Grade students will learn about "Opposites"----such as happy and sad.  Then, the students will do a review unit, to review past English concepts that gave been studied.

Spelling----The First Grade students will continue their review spelling unit words.  Then, the students will do a unit to learn "Long Vowel Words".  The Spelling words are:  same, line,, stone, smile, note, side, wake, woke, wide and wave.  The Challenge Words are:  beside and space.  The Special Writing words are:  love, any and many.

Math----The First Grade students will continue their study of "Number Bonds" or "Number Families".  The students will learn that for a certain number----for example the number 9----many "Number Bonds" can be made to make the number 9.  The students will learn that the "Number Bonds" for the number 9 are:  0,9,9; 1,8,9; 2,7,9; 3,6,9 and 4,5, 9.  Then, the students will realize that they can use these "Number Bonds" to make addition and subtraction problems. The students will also continue their study of "Measurement"----"Weight" and "Pounds".  Then, the students will decide which tool to use to measure certain objects-----"Should you use a measuring cup, scale, ruler or thermometer to measure the temperature of the air outside?"  Next, "Money" will be reviewed.

Religion----The First Grade students will learn about "Lent".. Then, the students will learn about the "Eucharist".

Science----The students will learn about "The Sky Above" and "Earth's Neighbors".


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