Saturday, March 9, 2019

What's Happening This Week----March 11th Through March 15th


Phonics----The Kindergarten students will continue their study of the sound that the letter "Dd" makes----keyword----dog.  The students will learn that the letter "Dd" is a consonant letter.  Then, the students will learn the sound that the letter "Vv" makes----keyword----vest.  The students will learn that the letter "Vv" is a consonant letter.

Reading----The Kindergarten  students will read phonics word lists, flash cards and the phonics booklet-----"I Did It".  The students will also be reading----reading worksheets .

Handwriting----The Kindergarten students will be printing the letters  "Dd" and "Vv".  Flash cards  and phonics word sentences will also be printed.

Math----The Kindergarten students will "Explore Halves" and  "Explore Fourths" . The students will also learn about "More Likely/ Equally Likely/ Less Likely".  Addition problems will also be done.  The students will continue their study of numbers.

Religion----The Kindergarten students will continue to learn about "We Are Made to be Family" and
"We Are Made to Grow in God's Love".

First Grade

Phonics----The First Grade students will learn about the "Diagraph ay",  the "Diagraph ai"  the "Combination er", the "Diagraph ch" and the "Combination or".

Reading----The First Grade students will make flash cards with vocabulary words and then read the booklet----"How to Make a Face".  Then, the students will read the story----"On the Job With Dr. Martha Smith".  Then, vocabulary flash cards will be made and the booklet----"Billy Brown's Lunch" -----will be read.

English----The First Grade students will be reviewing past lessons that they have learned.  The students will be reviewing----the naming and action part of a sentence, telling sentences, sentence rules, nouns, special nouns, verb and subject agreement, pronouns, is-are and was-were.   Then, the students will be writing "Correct Sentences".

Writing----The First Grade students will be writing their own sentences and stories.

Spelling----The First Grade students will learn about "Mixed Vowels".  The spelling words this week are:   mad, made, hop, hope, pin, pine, bit, bite, hid and hide.  The Challenge Words are: plan and plane.  The Special Writing Words are:  girl, boy and house.

Math----The First Grade students will review "Money"----"Count on by Dimes",  " Count Mixed Coins" and "One Dollar" ----how to make one dollar.  Then, " Certain, Possible and Impossible" terms will be learned.  The students will also learn about the terms----"More Likely/ Equally Likely/ Less Likely".   

Religion----The First Grade students will learn about the "Eucharist".  The "Eucharist" means----we give thanks.  Then, the students will learn in their "Growing in Love" religion book,  that we should choose God's love.

Science----The students will learn about "Earth's Neighbors's-----moon and planets.  Then, the student will begin a unit about----"Matter".

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