Saturday, September 22, 2018

What's Happening This Week----September 24th Through September 28th


Phonics----The Kindergarten students will learn the sound that the letter "Tt" makes----keyword----tent.  The students will learn that the letter "Tt" is a consonant letter.

Reading----The Kindergarten students will be reading the phonics words----log, hog and hot.  The students will also be reading color words.

Handwriting----The Kindergarten students will be printing the letter "Tt" and the phonics words----log, hog and hot.  The students will continue printing their first name on the red bottom line.

Math----The Kindergarten students will learn about "Patterns".  The students will also continue to learn about the numbers 0-7 and the shapes----circle, square, rectangle and triangle.

Religion----The Kindergarten students will learn about "The Church Year".

Centers----The Kindergarten students will be making a pattern necklace; print numbers and put fish into the fish bowls; making a letter "Tt" on a play-dough mat; make flash cards; do number and letter puzzles and use a dry ease board to review past items that have been learned.

First Grade

Reading----The First Grade students will be reading the stories "All That Corn" and  "Dan's Pet". The students will also read the booklet----"One For Me".

Spelling----The First Grade students will study spelling words that have a short "Ii" sound in them.  The Spelling words this week are:  in, pig, did, sit, six and big.  The special words are:  to, of and is.

English----The First Grade students will learn about "What Kind of Sentence Is It?' and "Question Words".

Math----The First Grade students will learn about " Sums From 7 Through 12" and  "Number-Line Addition".

Religion----The First Grade students will learn about "The Church Year" and "Ordinary Time".

Centers----The First Grade students will  do string reading vocabulary words; string English question words; make math flash cards; use the magnetic board for the spelling words; use the magnetic board for question words and use a dry ease board to review past items that have been learned. 

Science----The students will learn "The Different Places Where Plants Live".

Social Studies----The students will continue to learn about "American Symbols----The Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty". The students will also learn about "Johnny Appleseed".

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