Sunday, September 2, 2018

What's Happening This Week-----September 4th Through September 7th


Phonics----The Kindergarten students will continue learning about the letters and their sounds.  The students will continue their study of the sound that the letter "Oo" makes----keyword----octopus.   The students already know that the letter "Oo" is a vowel letter.  Then, the students will learn the sound that the letter "Gg" makes----keyword----goat.  The students will learn that the letter "Gg" is a consonant letter. 
Reading----The Kindergarten students will be learning how to put the sounds that the letters
 make to sound out the word---" l--o--g ".  When new a letter and each letter sound has been  learned, another phonics word will be made and sounded out.
Handwriting----The Kindergarten students will be printing the letters "Oo" and "Gg".  The students will also be printing their first name.
Math----The Kindergarten students will be "Sorting----by color, size and shape".  The students will also be learning to "Identify and Write "0--zero-- and  "1". The students will also be learning about the number "4", the "rectangle" shape and the color "green".
Religion----The Kindergarten students will be learning that "God Gives Us Water".  God made us water and God's gift of water is everywhere.
Centers----The Kindergarten students will be "sorting objects by size", using play-dough to make the letters "Ll", "Oo" and "Gg", picture puzzles for the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 and picture puzzles with the letters "Ll", "Oo" and "Gg" and making flash cards for the color green, rectangle shape, the number 4 and the letter "Gg". Small dry ease boards will also be used to practice previous letters, shapes and numbers.

First Grade

Phonics----The First Grade students will be learning the sound that "ck" makes.
Reading----The First Grade students will be reading the stories----"Ants" and "Jack and Rick".  The students will also be reading the booklet "Tim and Pam".
English----The First Grade students will be learning about the "Action Part of a Sentence" and about "Telling Sentences".
Writing----The First Grade students will be writing their own story about a bear and a rabbit.
Spelling----The First Grade students will be learning spelling words that are in the "at" Word Family.  The Spelling this week are:  at, bat, cat, hat, mat, pat, rat and sat.
Math----The First Grade students will be learning about "One Fewer and One More", "Order Numbers from "0" Through "12", "Count On" and "Count Back".
Religion----The First Grade students will learn about how "Jesus Grew up in a Family".
Centers----The First Grade students will be doing play-dough words, doing string words, reading their index box flash cards with a partner, using magnetic letters to make reading vocabulary words. and making flash cards.

Social Studies----The students will be learning about "Our Country" and "Our World".
Science----The students will be learning about "Living and Non-Living Things" and the "Parts of a Plant".

Daily Activities:   The Kindergarten and First Grade students, in our classroom, say the "Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag" and all our morning prayers.  The students count to the number of the day that we have been in school. do the calendar, say the ABC's ----letters and sounds and count to "100". The students also review past letters and their sounds, colors, shapes and numbers and number words that have been learned.  The students sing songs about:  the "Days of the Week", "Following the Rules", "Interrupting Rules", "Tattle Tale Rules", "Who Let the Letters Out" song and a Noah Ark song.

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