Sunday, April 15, 2018

What's Happening This Week----April 16th Through April 20th


Phonics----The Kindergarten students will continue their study of the sound that the letter "Dd" makes----keyword----dog.  The letter "Dd" is a consonant letter.  Then, the students will learn the sound that the letter "Vv" makes----keyword----vest.  The students will learn that the letter "Vv" is a consonant letter.

Reading----The Kindergarten students will be reading the phonics booklet----"Gus the Duck",  "Ben is Ten" and phonics word lists.  The students will also be doing many phonics reading worksheets.  The "Vv" words to be read will be:  vet, van, vest and vent.  The "Sight Words" to be read will be:  you, into, one, help, ten, said, had, did, red, have and and.

Handwriting----The Kindergarten students will be printing the letters "Dd" and "Vv".  Phonics word sentence will also be printed.

Math----The Kindergarten students will continue to learn about "Addition" and in "Counting Money".  Then, the students will learn to "Tell Time to the Hour".

Religion----The Kindergarten will learn about "God's Greatest Gifts", "Family Fun", "Doing What Jesus Wants Us to Do" and "Choosing Good Choices " and "Taking the Right Path".

Science----The Kindergarten students will continue their study of "Magnets"  Then, the students will learn about "Matter".

First Grade

Reading----The First Grade students will be reading the story "On the Job With Dr> Martha Smith".  Then, the students will read the story Little Bear's Friend".  The booklet----"A Dream to Fly"  will also be read.

English----The First Grade students will learn about "Exclamations", "Titles For People" and "Book Titles".

Spelling----This week's spelling words will be "Adding "Ss" to the end of the words.  This week's spelling words are:  jet, jets, frog, frogs, tail, tails, week, weeks, gate and gates.  The Challenge Words are:  wagon and wagons.  The Special Words are:  mother, father and more.

Math----The First Grade students will learn how to re-group in addition problems-----or "Carrying".

Social Studies----Everyone is reviewing "Manners".  For example, when asking for your milk at lunch say-----white please or may I have white please.  Then, when the milk is given to you say---thank-you.

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