Sunday, October 1, 2017

What's Happening This Week----October 2nd Through October 6th


Phonics----The Kindergarten students will continue their study of the sound that the letter "Tt" makes----keyword----tent.  Then, the students will learn the sound that the letter "Pp" makes----keyword----pig.  The students will learn that the letters "Tt" and "Pp" are consonant letters.

Reading----The Kindergarten students will be reading color words. The students will learn the color "Orange"----identifying the color orange and learning how to spell "Orange" by cheerleading the  color word "Orange".  The Kindergarten students will be bringing home a phonics booklet to read, as homework, later on this week.  The booklet to be read is called----"Hot, Hot, Hot". 

Handwriting----The Kindergarten students will be printing the letters "Tt" and "Pp".  The students will also be printing their first name and phonics words.

Math----The Kindergarten students will continue learning the numbers 1-5.  Then, the number "6" will be studied.  Number "6's" poem is:  Down to a loop, "6" rolls a loop.  The students will also be learning the terms: Top, Middle, Bottom, Over, On, Under, Inside and Outside".  The "Triangle" shape will be studied.

Religion----In Chapter 8, the Kindergarten students will learn that "God Made All People".

Science----The Kindergarten students will learn about how "Animals Grow and Change".  Then, the Kindergarten students will learn about "Plants".

Social Studies-----The Kindergarten students will learn about the Earth's "Water and Land".

First Grade

Reading----The First Grade students will be reading "All" word Family words.  The "All" word Family Words are:  all, ball. call, fall, mall, tall and wall.  Then, the students will read the story----"All That Corn".  The booklet----"One More For Me"----will also be read.

Handwriting----The First Grade students will be printing letters "Nn" through "Zz".

English----The First Grade students will be learning "Which Kind of Sentence?"---is it----a telling sentence that tells something and ends with a period or a question sentence that asks something and ends with a question mark.  Then, the students will learn about "Question Words".  The "Question Words" are:  who, what , when, where, why and how.

Writing----The First Grade students will be writing sentences using this week's spelling words.  The students need to remember the sentence rules that they learned in English----that a sentence begins with a capital letter, makes sense, has a naming part and an action part and ends with an end mark.

Spelling----In Unit 9, the First Grade students will be learning words that have the short "Uu" sound.  This week's spelling words are:  us, bus, fun, sun, run, but and puppy.  This week's spelling words test will be on Friday, October 6th.

Math----The First Grade students will be reviewing "Doubles"----such as 1+1=2, 2+2=4,etc.  Then, the First Grade students will learn about "Doubles + 1", "Adding Three Numbers", "Addition Strategies" and "Problem Solving----Story Problems".  Then, "Tally Marks" will be studied. The First Grade students will continue doing addition "Rocket Math" worksheets.

Social Studies----The First Grade students will learn about the Earth's "Water and Land".

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