Sunday, January 25, 2015

What's Happening the Week of January 26th Through January 30th

Friday, January 23rd---the Kindergarten students enjoyed their "Frozen Day".  The students watched Disney's "Frozen" Movie and ate popcorn and drank juice. At recess time, the Kindergarten students played "statues"-----a "Frozen" CD was played and the students had to freeze when the music stopped.  The students also played, at recess. with pretend "snowballs"----rolled up socks.  Some of the other games, that the students played, were to carry a snowball { marshmallow}  on a wooden spoon and "Pin the Carrot Nose on Olaf".  Some of the "Frozen Day" activities were:  making a Frozen sticker scene, painting an Olaf snowman with Olaf paint, playing in Frozen Icy Sand, and sending home Frozen Icy Slime. Everyone had a great time!

Phonics----The students will continue their study of the sound that the letter "Zz" makes----keyword----zebra.  Then, the students will learn the sound that the letter "Cc" makes----keyword----cat.  The students will learn that the letter "Cc" is a consonant.

Reading----The students will be reading word lists and sight word booklets. The students will also be reading the phonics booklet----"Zip".  Some of the phonics words to be read will be: zip, zap, zig, zag, fuzz, fizz, buzz, cut, can, cup, cat, cast, cross, scab, cuff, crisp, craft, cost, clap, class, clam, cap and cab.

Writing----The students will begin to write their own sentences and  draw a picture to illustrate the sentence.  The students will use the sentence English rules when writing their sentences.

English----The students will be learning about the end mark-----the "Question Mark".

Handwriting----The students will be printing the letters "Zz" and "Cc".

Math----The students will continue learning about "Time".  Then, the "Calendar" will be studied.

Religion----The students will continue learning about the "Holy Family".  Then, the students will learn in Chapter 18, that "Jesus Teaches and Helps Us".  Bible stories will also be read.

Science----The students will begin a unit on "Matter".

Social Studies----The students will learn----"Where Families Live".

Crafts----The crafts, this week, will center around the "winter" theme.

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