Sunday, September 8, 2019

What's Happening This Week----September 9th Through September 13th


Phonics----The Kindergarten students will continue their study of the sound that the letter "Gg" makes----keyword----goat.  Then, the students will learn the sound that the letter "Hh" makes----keyword----hat.  The students will learn that the letter "Hh" is a consonant letter.

Reading----The Kindergarten students will read the words----log and hog.  The students will also read  color words-----especially----red, blue, yellow and green.  Then, the students will learn the color word----purple.

Handwriting----The Kindergarten students will print the letters "Gg" and "Hh".  The students will also print the words----log and hog.  The students will also print their first name.

Math----The Kindergarten students will continue their study of "Positions"----Over, On, Under, Inside, Outside, In Front, Behind, Left and Right.  The students will also learn the number "5" and the "Rectangle" shape.

Religion----The Kindergarten students will learn that "God Gives Us the Land".

Centers----The Kindergarten students use "Scribble Boards----to review the numbers 1,2,3,4 and the letters Ll, Oo, Gg and Hh and the shapes circle, square and rectangle.  The students will do "Play Dough" letters---Ll, Oo, Gg and Hh and "Magnetic Ten-Frames----to count numbers.

First Grade

Reading----The First Grade students will read the stories-----"Jack and Sam" and "Todd's Box".  The students will also read the booklet----"Mack and Sam"  and  "A Sack For You".

English----The First Grade students will continue their study of "Telling Sentences".  Then, the students will learn about "Question" sentences.

Spelling----The First Grade students will learn words that contain the "Short Oo Sound".  The Spelling words are:  on, got, fox, box, pop and not.  The "Special Writing Words" are:  I, was and you.

Writing----The First Grade students will write stories about a "Ant" and a "Bear".  The students will also write spelling word sentences.

Math----The First Grade students will learn that numbers come in a certain counting order.  The students will learn how to "Count On" and to "Count Back".  The students will also learn about the numbers that come "Just Before, Between and Just After",  Then, the students will learn to "Compare" numbers.

Religion----The First Grade students will learn that "Jesus Works Among the People" and that "Jesus Taught Us About Love".

Centers----The First Grade students will use "Magnetic Ten-Frames"----to count numbers, "Short Vowel Mail Boxes--used to sort pictures that have a short "Oo", short "Ii" or short "Aa" sound, "Play Dough" words and a "Scribble Board---to view Spelling Words.

Science----The students will learn about "Our Senses", "Plants" and "Living and Non-Living Things".

Social Studies----The students will learn about "Rules and Laws".

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