Sunday, February 10, 2019

What's Happening This Week----February 11th Through February 15th


Phonics----The Kindergarten students will be reviewing the letters and their sounds that they studied while I was gone.  The letters to reviewed are: "Kk", "Bb", "Uu" and "Zz".  Then, the students will learn the sound that the letter "Cc" makes----keyword----cat.  The students will learn that the letter "Cc" is a consonant letter. 
Reading----The Kindergarten students will be reading the phonics booklet----"Zip".  Sight words will be studied and sight word flash cards will be sent home to be reviewed ----as a homework assignment.  The students will also be reading phonics word lists.
Handwriting----The Kindergarten students will be printing the letter "Cc", their first and last name and phonics word sentences.
English----The Kindergarten students will learn the "Sentence Rule".  A sentence begins with a capital letter, makes sense and ends with an end mark.  A telling sentence--- is a sentence that tells something---ends with a period.
Math----The Kindergarten students will learn about "Fewest and Most".  Then, the students will review the terms---"As many as", "Fewer", "Equal Sets" "More" and "Fewest".  "Number Patterns" will also be studied.  The students will also be reviewing "Money"----to "Identify the Coin and the Value of the Coin"----a penny, nickel, dime and quarter. The students will make money flash cards.  These money flash cards will be sent home to be studied,
Religion----The Kindergarten students will learn about "Saint John Bosco"----one of God's special people.  Then, the students will learn that "We Are Made to be Like Jesus"----in their "Growing in Love" Religion Book.

First Grade

Phonics----The First Grade students will learn that the letter "Yy" is a vowel letter  at the end of a word.  The letter "Yy" can have the "Long E Sound"  as in "cry" or the "Long I Sound as in "sky".
Reading----The First Grade students will be reviewing the stories that they have read while I was gone----"A Bed Full Of Cats" and "Me on the Map".  The students will be reading the booklets----"Patch's Treat" and "Baseball"---they contain the vocabulary words from the stories----"A Bed Full of Cats" and "Me on the Map"  The students will also be making and reading flash card vocabulary words form the stories.  Then, the students will read the story----"At Home Around the World".  The booklet----"Eating Yummy Cake"----will also be read.
English----The First Grade students will learn about "Adjectives".  Adjectives tell about a noun.
Spelling----The First Grade students will be learning words that contain the "Long Oo Sound".  This week's spelling words are:  go, home, rope, so, joke, bone, hole, no, stove and poke.  The "Challenge Words" are:  hello and alone.  The "Special Writing Words" are:  done, come and some.
Math----The First Grade students will continue doing "Subtraction Rocket Math" worksheets.  "Fact Families" will be studied.  The students will review "Tally Marks, Charts and Pictographs".  Then, the students will begin a unit on "Measurement".  The students will "Compare Lengths" and measure by "Inches"----using a ruler.  The students will also review "Money" ----"Identify the Coin and the Value of the Coin"----   a penny, nickel, dime and quarter. The students will make money flash cards.  These money flash cards will be sent home to be studied.
Religion----The First Grade students will be learning that "God Made Us" and "God Loves Us" from their "Growing in Love" Religion Book.

Social Studies----The students will continue to review facts about "Abraham Lincoln".  Then, the students will learn about "George Washington".

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